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Could your sex life really be affecting your breast? Here’s what your lack of a sex life could be doing to those tatas.

Yes, there are a number of perfectly healthy women who do not partake in intercourse, but those who do are reaping a ton more benefits than those standing off to the sidelines. How often do you have sex?

Here’s what happens if you stop having sex:

1. Breastfeeding will become more uncomfortable.

2. You have an increased risk of breast cancer.

Yes, this is true. Women who have sex at least one time a month are less likely to develop breast cancer.

3. Your mood will change because of a lack of oxytocin.

4. Your boobs will shrink from lack of blood flow.

5. Your breasts may become less firm.

If you are not having sex at least semi-regularly this could be you. There is nothing wrong with getting your freak on from time to time. Stay happy and healthy inside and out! For more on the negative things a lack of sex can do please take the time to watch the video below.