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First originating in the English vocabulary in 1523, it is believed that the term ‘daddy’ originated from baby talk, a childish speech that referred to one’s father. It continued to carry this context throughout the 19th century, however as we approached the 21st-century millennials gave this world a whole new meaning!

A term of endearment used to refer to one’s husband, boyfriend or fiancé, this pet name has grown in popularity! Often used to refer to males that are viewed with a level of respect, seen as being strong and independent. ‘Daddy’ often refers to a lover who makes their partner feel safe, protected and cared for.

The New Inquiry explains that this isn’t an uncommon trend with today’s society. We are taking words, discarding their original definitions and instead creating our own meanings for them based on our current societal beliefs. They state, “[This] marks an era of social and economic precarity that leaves young people righteously without faith in institutions, but more fluent in language with points of origin online.”

The big question that has many of us talking, however, is whether the term ‘Daddy’ indicates that millennials have a growing epidemic of daddy issues that they are in turn bringing with them to the bedroom. Sex therapist Vanessa Marin reported to broadly that this wasn’t the case.

“I’ve heard from a fair amount of men who were turned off by it and worried that it was an indicator of ‘daddy issues,’” Marin stated, “Yes, ‘daddy’ can mean ‘father,’ but we also use the word to indicate when someone is the boss, in charge, a protector or doing a good job.”

In fact, Marin claims that in her practice as a sex therapist she has never come across a woman who uses the term ‘daddy’ due to a fantasy about her own father. Instead, this term is used in a strong sexy way to indicate that one sees their partner as strong and independent, the protector in their relationship.

A pet name, much like ‘Baby’ which has also increased in popularity. These terms aren’t necessarily an indication of age play, but merely a term of endearment used between couples.

Despite the connection, one may draw with the terms, we are not actively thinking of our parents when using pet names.  This contradicts the claims made by Freud, who believed that every human being secretly thought about their parents sexually.

Interestingly enough, however, there is one group in the kink community that is practicing the ‘age play’ component that many associated with these terms. The DDlg [Daddy Dom/little girl] community is centered around the idea that the Daddy Dom will provide for and discipline their ‘little’.

Dr. Margaret Squires provided her expert opinion as a couple’s therapist for over 35 years. She explains the use of these pet names by saying, “I think that when the language comes up, it’s just as likely to be in a healthy relationship. You’re getting back to very early warm attachments.” When asked about the DDlg community she went on to state, “Sometimes people are merely recognizing a pattern in their relationship. That’s why we have relationships, so we can rely on each other. It’s not necessary for everyone to be equally strong in all things.”

Ultimately her message is that the use of pet names should not concern us, so long as these terms and even the more extreme kinks of the DDlg community are practiced within healthy relationships!