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The practice of Chirognomy is the ability to predict a person’s character, traits and future through the study of their hand. Derived from the Greek words, ‘chiro’ meaning hand and ‘gnomonia’ meaning judging. Together this means the art of judging character from the shape and appearance of hands.

This practice examines the shape of the hands, fingers, fingernails and the texture of the skin, of all of which it uses to derive insight into the individual in question.

For example, if you have a long ring finger it reveals that you are very creative, and will excel in artistic or fashion related careers. If you have a long index finger, you are very confident and in charge, more likely to be drawn to careers in business.

The shape of your palm also reveals a lot about you!

A rectangular palm shows that you rely on your intuition, following your gut when you face a problem, regardless of what the facts tell you. On the other hand, if you have a square palm you are overly logical and prefer to rely on concretes.

What does the size of your hand in relation to your arm reveal about your personality?

 chirognomy, palmistry, personality

First, you need to measure your hand…  This isn’t about the size of your hand according to your ruler, so don’t stress yourself about getting an accurate number. This assessment looks at the size of your hand in relation to the length of your arm.

Take your left arm and bend at the elbow to create a 45-degree angle. With your right hand, place your thumb on the side of the elbow. Stretch your hand out, reaching your middle finger towards your wrist. If your finger can reach your wrist, you have large hands. If you are not able to reach your wrist,  you fit into the small hands category!

Large Hands

If you have large hands you are a perfectionist! You focus on the smallest of details, wanting everything to be just right. If you are working towards a deadline you would rather push it slightly to make sure everything is perfect than rush to meet the timeline. This perfectionist mentality means you are extremely sensitive to criticism.

Small Hands

Those of you with small hands are the free spirits of the world! You are always chasing down your next adventure, and don’t shy away from taking risks. You can usually work your way out of any trouble with your excellent problem-solving abilities, which is important because you regularly find yourself in hot water! You enjoy the more dramatic side of life.