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Have you ever felt like you just can’t get things going right, no matter how hard you try? If so, you’re not alone and the answer to our problems was discovered long ago – we just don’t hear about them anymore.

Sometimes our homes, workplaces, or your most frequented location can possess bad energy. This bad energy can range in severity from simple bad vibes to malicious entities. In the modern day such things as energies are passed off as science fiction, however, they are very real. They might just be what is holding you back from your happiness and satisfaction with life. They can even cause people to become physically sick! Although it is kind of an eerie topic, you should never fear – life trumps all negative energies. Also, you can use these simply 7 methods to eliminate them from your home completely!

Get Plants

Plants are a living source and they constantly purify the air. They are great to have in your homes because the liveliness of them tends to keep the negative energies away. Having plants in your house has been proven to increase positivity and overall mood!


Salt is an excellent resource for cleansing negative energies. A lot of the time negative energy can be left behind by previous homeowners. Sprinkling salt around in the carpet is a great way to get rid of the past. It cleanses it and makes it your own space.

Smudging Ceremonies

Smudging has been used for literally thousands of years. People burn sage in their homes to clear out the ‘bad ju-ju’. Burn the white sage and rotate it in a counterclockwise motion.

Essential Oils

Essential oils are a great way to cleanse a room or an entire home. Some of the best ones to use are frankincense, lavender, and patchouli.

Remove Clutter

Clutter is stuff that is unnecessary and takes up space. Just like the clutter, negative energy can take up the space too. Clutter causes it to be difficult for vibrations and energy to travel – thus causing ‘build-ups. Removing clutter from your home is a fantastic way to drive the negative energy out!


When you meditate, you draw in massive amounts of positive energy. The energy you bring in causes the negative ones to get out of dodge.

Rearrange the Furniture

Rearranging furniture is a good way to cleanse the energy of a room. Moving things around allows energy to flow freely and in a new path. It also allows a new route for the negative energy to escape.


Yawning releases an immense amount of energy – usually negative. It is a fantastic way to release pent up energy.

Play Drums

Drum music playing in the background is an excellent way to refresh the energy in your home. Lookup African shamanic drums on youtube. It is actually quite nice to listen to.

Say A Cleansing Prayer

“I, (insert your full name), refuse permission for any living and non-physical being to enter my body, mind, soul, spirit and energy field for intentions that are other than love. I break all contracts, vows and agreements I might have made knowingly or unknowingly in all time, space, and dimension that in any way diminish the fullest expression of my joyful soul essence. I break these agreements from this moment backwards, through every experience of my past, and from this moment forward until the end of all time. I command that these energies and people to leave my space NOW! They have no power over me. I ask for divine protection from these energies, that they NOT return to my energy field in any way, and for any reason. I now build a shield of light around me with this heart intention and my free will. I thank you that it’s already done.”

Burn Lemon Peels 

Burning lemon and orange peels can vanquish negative energy from your home. It is a nice scent too.


Laughing is a fantastic way to release negative energy.

Light candles

Candles not only bring a good scent and ambient lighting, they also cleanse negative energy from your home!


Skipping like a child is so much fun, and the childlike spirit makes you release negative energy.


Dancing works the same as skipping does. Moving around with joy brings so much happiness, it eliminates negative energy.

Watch your Actions

Do good unto other people; treat them the way you want to be treated. Karma is not a nice lady, and she will come around to get you.