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Mars is going to be traveling from Taurus to Gemini on the 27th of May. This is going to bring about some major changes.

If you want to see just what this transition is going to have in store for you take the time to look at your sign below. No matter how intense things get try to stay grounded and remember this too shall pass. With Mars comes a lot of power.


The impacts you will be receiving will be good ones. You will feel more confident in this and be on your toes when it comes to your work. Take a shot at that thing you’ve been waiting for the right moment with.


Be cautious. You need to make sure to maintain a slow and steady pace while this transition is being made. While you will feel more encouraged to do things you want to do, don’t.


You may feel much more forceful than usual and that can be a bad thing depending on how you use it. Do your best to try and not lose your cool. You need to control yourself as best you can.


You will notice a sudden change in yourself and will need to be more watchful when it comes to your finances. This transition could break you if you are not mindful.


You will be able to travel during this time if you so wish. That in a sense means you are getting something very positive out of the transition. However, if something has been put off in recent times it will be dealt with during this transition.


While you may be stressing now you will not be stressing once this transition makes its way through. You are going to be gaining a lot of tolerance during this time.


You are going to be greeting the transition with something uplifting. No one knows exactly what this will be whether it will be work or home related but it will be good.


This is going to be the best time for you to try and accomplish your goals. While you may need a little extra support definitely make a move!


You will be dealing with a lot of conflicting things during this time. It is highly likely you will isolate yourself from your significant other and in this something very bad could potentially happen if you do not get a hold of yourself.


You should avoid traveling as it could be bad for your overall well-being. You will be feeling quite ill during this time and need to relax and heal yourself within.


You will be feeling much more in tune with yourself and smarter even. You are going to be met with good news and things will be looking up for you.


You will get good news from work and things will be a bit hectic in your personal life. This though could be the door to something amazing.