Once again, the discussion of inclusivity and diversity has taken social media by storm! Clothing retailer BooHoo released their #ALLGIRLS campaign today only to have women the world over enraged. The campaign, claiming to be ‘all about inclusivity and girl power,’ began with a video during which a number of different women were showing off their BooHoo style. The campaign fell short of the company’s goals, however, as women took to Twitter to point out that their ‘inclusive’ campaign was missing a number of notable groups – including plus-sized or full-figured women!
The good news is that the body positive movement is still going strong, encouraging women of all sizes to be proud of their bodies and rock their favorite styles with confidence. These ladies have done just that! Taking to the beach to enjoy the sun and the sand, they are showing off their stunning curves in their favorite bikinis!
So, let’s celebrate summer in style with these 25 beach beauties: