The term consciousness gets thrown around a lot. However, what does it truly mean?
Well, our consciousness is our awareness, and the more conscious we are, the most we are able to attune ourselves in the correct manner. This goes for life, spirituality, our connections to others and everything else for that matter. Therefore, it’s important to be conscious. But how exactly can we raise our consciousness? Well, I am, glad you asked.
1. Practice Mindfulness
Be aware of what you are doing in the present moment without judgment. This is fundamental to our conscious awareness.
2. Meditate
Sit down for at least a few minutes a day in the quiet. Focus your thoughts, and dismiss anything that comes to mind.
3. Spend Time in Nature
We are composed of the same matter as nature. Due to this, when we are attuned to her cycles, we are attuned to our own.
4. Learn to Let Go
If you can’t change it, fix it, or control it, then learn to let it go.
5. Connect With People
Be kind to others. Connect with them, and learn how different people operate. This will give you insight into yourself, and forge meaningful relationships with others.
6. Accept Yourself
In spite of your flaws, accept who you are.
7. Live.
While it may sound easy, some people live their lives at a distance. Don’t do that. Instead, participate, and get every bit of life possible to be had.
8. Open Your Mind
Don’t be so quick to judge. Learn to be mindful of how things are without judging them.
9. Learn
Read, write, and do. Make your life a learning experience.
10. Know Your Cycles
Understand your moods, hormones, and day-to-day rhythms.
11. Stand Up To What You Are Afraid Of
Are you afraid of heights? Get on a roller coaster. Afraid of small spaces? Meditate in a closet. Try to be more open to changing situations, even when they are scary to you.
12. Understand the Ether
Learn about new age concepts, including astral projection, tarot, powerful prayer, etc. And use this knowledge to enhance yourself.
13. Reflect
Look at your past, and see the difference between your success and your downfalls. Learn from it.
14. Do What You Love
Even if you can’t do it all day, every day, make time for what you love. Learn to understand what you love, and soothe yourself with it.