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“I knew right away that you were it for me, there were no reservations or second thoughts, I saw you and in an instant, knew in my bones, my soul had known your soul lifetimes ago.”  Beau Taplin

 Have you ever met someone only to feel as though you have known them all your life? You fit together in a way that just can’t be a coincidence?

Dating in modern society can be absolutely exhausting. From smartphone apps to dating websites, it has become more complicated to maneuver than it has ever been before. Television shows and movies repeatedly remind us of the lies, cheating, and deceit that threatens anyone who dares to open their heart. It can seem impossible, but don’t worry! There is good news!

Long before you began to walk the earth during this lifetime you found your universal soulmate. You discovered the one person that you are meant to spend your life. Regardless of how many lifetimes you live, and how many times your soul walks this earth, there is one person that you are destined to find.  

When you meet this person, they will make your life feel complete, filling a void in your soul that you weren’t even aware existed! Their touch will send a feeling of electricity throughout your body, awakening an energy that had been buried deep within.


How will you know when you find this special person? Watch for these signs:

  1. You feel an instant sense of comfort and security when you are around them.
  2. Regardless of what you may experience in life, this person will help you to forget any pain and sadness, replacing it with feelings of love.
  3. Your relationship not only leaves you feeling as though you have found your best friend but also as if you have found a family member.
  4. This person will add a new meaning to your life, helping you to grow into a better version of yourself.
  5. You may have had dreams before meeting during which you saw an uncanny resemblance to one another.
  6. You will find yourself more aware of the blessings in your life.
  7. This person will boost your confidence, leaving you feeling strong and more attractive than you have ever felt before.
  8. They make you feel energized and more ‘alive’ than you were without them in your life.
  9. You recognize something when you look into their eyes – a deep connection between your souls.
  10. You share in one another’s joy as well as one another’s pain.
  11. You will experience not only a physical and emotional happiness but also a sense of spiritual happiness.
  12. This person will make you feel genuine special – giving you the feeling of being wanted, appreciated and truly loved.
  13. You share the same life goals.
  14. Physical touch will bring about butterflies in your stomach, leaving you craving your partner’s touch.
  15. You will forget what it had felt like to be lonely as if you were always with this person throughout your life.
  16. You have crossed paths before in your life, and life brought you back together.