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Lately you might have heard of something called indigo children; but did you know that there were indigo adults too? They certainly exist and they have extraordinary capabilities. Are you one?

The indigo children is something that has existed for several decades – in fact, they have always existed – they just discovered them in the past few decades. They are essentially an upgraded blueprint of humanity. Indigo children are said to have superpower like abilities. They are highly driven and intelligent. They contain the ability to perceive the established ‘norms’ of society. If you relate to any of these characteristics, you might even be an indigo child/adult.

Characteristics of an Indigo Adult

â—† Seem intolerant of ignorance but have a deep connection to, and empathy for, other people.

â—† Can be overly-emotional, like crying for no reason. Or the complete opposite and display no emotion at all.

â—† May have anger issues.

â—† Have problem with systems they consider failed or broken, ie. educational, medical, legal, and political.

◆ Feel alienated and angry with politics, you feel your voice will not matter or the outcome doesn’t relate to you.

â—† You are frustrated with the 9 to 5 occupations, marriage, kids etc.

You have an inner desire to change things and make this world a better place.

â—† Have many spiritual or psychic interests that seem to have manifested when you were younger.

◆ You don’t seem to have any role models.

â—† You seem to jump around a lot in your conversations, random behaviors patterns linked to your strong intuition.
You have had several psychic encounters, seeing spirits, OBE, hearing voices, premonitions etc.

â—† You are electrically sensitive to items like watches which seem to malfunction or street lights which seem to falter around you.

â—† You have knowledge of other dimensions and can literally feel their presence.

â—† You are sexually expressive or you may disapprove of excessive sexuality with the intent of a higher intimate spiritual connection.

â—† You seek meaning to your life through spirituality.

â—† You are determined to find balance to become stronger, happy and healthy.