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Some of the happiest people on earth are buddhist monks. They practice living in a different way we do, and adopting their habits can have a positive effect on our own happiness.

Buddhism is an extremely mindful practice. They focus on living simply and rule out all materialistic complications. Buddhism has been becoming increasingly popular too. We are seeing more and more people in the western society adopting the ways of Buddhist monks because it offers answers and solutions to modern world problems. Buddhism additionally gives us another point of view on who we really are. They think very highly of the human spirit and they appreciate all walks of life.

If you are looking to get away from all the hustle and bustle complications of the modern day world, Buddhist practices may be your out. It makes living simplistic and more meaningful. Simply adopting these habits could change your entire life.

The first habit you should adopt is to simplify. Life is not even nearly as complicated as we make it out to be. All of the problems we have were created by us and they can also be eliminated. Most people’s goal is to acquire as much stuff as they can and be as wealthy as they can, but this does not guarantee happiness. Instead, happiness comes from within, so you have all you need.

Along with simplifying your life, you need to give too. Giving not only helps another human individual, but it makes us feel good too! Giving things away to help others actually releases dopamine in our brains, making us feel blissful. A selfless attitude is essential to live a Buddhist style life. Being selfless is about much more than giving to other people. If we are all selfless, we wouldn’t have so many problems. Let go of that ego and ask yourself what you can do to benefit society.

Meditating is also a key part of Buddhism. Simply sitting down in a quiet place for ten minutes and change your entire day for the better. It’s also scientifically proven to change the brain! All you have to do is sit down, focus on your breathing, and let it all be. Chanting mantras is also a great way to keep your mind on track while meditating.

Another Buddhist habit that is life changing is listening to people wiser than you. We don’t know it all, and as easy as it is to pretend we do, you’ll actually get a lot more out of listen to others than you think. Listen to learn, not to reply.

You will additionally want to make mindfulness a key part of your life. Being mindful doesn’t mean you go around enlightening people and meditating all the time. Being mindful is taking the time to further your spiritual growth and knowledge. Being mindful means not judging other people, getting your happiness from a natural source, and growing spiritually.

Embracing change can also change your life. Change can be scary, but that doesn’t mean it is a bad thing. We are forever evolving and we change all the time. Embracing it will only make it easier for you! There is so much more to focus on in life than holding onto what we used to have.

Monks practice aromatherapy a good bit too. Aromatherapy using essential oils has massive amounts of benefits. Depending on the specific oil you use, they can treat health issues, promote sleep and relaxation, reduce stress, and promote creativity. It is awesome to breathe in the oil of frankincense while meditating.

The most important habit that Buddhist monks have that we need to learn is living in the moment. The majority of our anger, frustration, anxiety, and sadness comes from anticipation of the future, or dwelling on the past. If you can try hard enough, and it does require practice, you can live in the present only and doing so eliminates massive amounts of stress and negative emotions.